Established in 1993, initially as a localized patrolling and response company in Pinelands. Zonewatch has since expanded into new residential and commercial operational areas and have grown to become the Cape’s largest independently owned security company. Our staff are passionate about the security industry, and we aim to improve perpetually by making use of available technologies, creating an updated high-tech company that relies on doing the job smarter...
More about Zonewatch Security, how it started, our mission, our values
ALL services we offer and information about our operations
Zonewatch introduces our new mobile application Zone4U!
Get a street camera for FREE with our 6for1 initiative
Established in 1993, initially as a localized patrolling and response company in Pinelands.
Tel: 086 15 15 800
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4 Camp Rd, Maitland, Cape Town, 7405